Saturday, July 23, 2011

Melissa -- Senior 2012

What a great night at the Johnson County Fair!  The heat didn't keep us from having fun!  Melissa is a beautiful young woman and I think her fun personality shows thru in a lot of these pics!  This is just a sneak peek....there will be LOTS more to come!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A New Life!

Meet Evelyn!  You saw the hospital previews last week, and this week I got to go spend some time with the whole family at their home!  Big brother is taking his role very seriously, and Mom & Dad are loving having a little girl in the house....

Know anyone looking for a drummer?

You all know that this blog is about me following my passion, right???  Well, recently I was asked to take pictures of a dear friend and HIS passion!  How could I pass that up???  Dean is a strong Christian who is looking to get back in a band.....if you know of a worship band or church that is looking for a drummer, let me know and I'll pass the info along!  He's really good -- I should know -- he started banging on those things as my head was underneath there! HA!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I was honored to meet this little one when she was just hours old!  Next week I will be going to her home for a more in depth photo shoot and I cannot wait!

Finally! A blog I understand -- kinda!

Most of you know that this summer has been very, very eventful for me!  My goal this summer was to follow my dream and my passion and start up a small photography business -- WOW!  The response and support from my friends and family has amazed me!  My next project is this blog!  School starts back on August 11th, so my goal is to have everything up and running before then.....once school starts I don't have nearly as much time as I do now :) 

So, bear with me as I get the blog up and running......and once again, come along for the ride.......